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For Students
New Students
STEP 1: (First time students) Click on the Login link in the upper right side of the HOME page. A ridiculously pink page will greet you. Click on the 'Sign Up' link on the pink page. Now put your email address in and make up a password (whatever you want), and submit. I will get that information and check it against the list of those who have paid for their classes. If you are on the list, I will "admit" you and you will get a confirmation email.
STEP 2: (Ever after) After you have done the above once (for all time), click on Login, put in your email and password (on the pink page) and this will give you access to your class website. On the HOME page, hover over the "For Students" link and select your class from the dropdown menu. This will lead you to your class webpage. Or you can click on "For Students" and get to this page again. Then click your class below.
Let's Dansk Private & Small Group Students
On the Home page, hover over "Danish Lessons" in the menu and select from the dropdown menu. 60 and 30-minute lessons are available. Click on "book" to see available days/times for lessons. Let's Dansk classes are available for 1-4 students at a time.
For Current Students
(you can also go to the home page and hover over "For Students" and select from the dropdown menu)
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