Udtale - Pronunication
Many of the sounds of Danish are the same as in English. Here are some letters you can usually rely on to sound the same each time: b, h*, k**, l, m, n, p, q, s, x, z
You might notice there are not a lot of these. This is because Danish, like English, shows a wide disparity between the way a word is spelled, and the way it is pronounced. You will need to keep your wits about you. Don't listen with your eyes! Just because there is a "d" in that word, doesn't necessarily mean that you should pronounce anything there, and if you are supposed to pronounce something there - it may not be a "d" sound at all!
In addition to this, there are a few sounds in Danish that don't occur in Danish. I'll be posting videos here to help with these. Below we can tackle "y", "ø", "ð", and "r".
*except in words beginning with "hv-"
**except in the word "seksten" where it sounds like "eye"!!