Hvad hører du?
en øl
Dansk for begyndere
Denne uge læser vi sider 43-46 i kapitel 4
This week read we pages 43-46 in chapter 4
Side 44/Page 44
Fødselsdagssangen til Viggo (2 verses - the first and last)
Click to enlarge
Pronunciation Refresher
These recordings are of a woman from København, and a man from Jylland. There are therefore minor differences in pronunciation. Take a look back in chapter 2, page 17 for the list of words they are saying.
Past Tense Practice
Simple Past
Reading Text: Stakkels mig!
Past Participle
The sentences on the page below are written in present tense. Write each sentence again using the past participle.
Audio Practice
Listen to the first sentence, which will be in present/implied future tense, and change it to the past participle.
Your friend says some action is in the present, but you disagree because it actually already has taken place.
For example, you might hear "Hun finder en mand" (She is finding a husband) and, during the silence afterward, you will say "Nej, hun har fundet en mand" (No, she has found a husband). Then you will hear the correct answer ("Hun har fundet en mand") after the silence, so you can check your accuracy.
Side 47
Dialogue 1
Side 50
This one is pretty tough. Study the phrases on page 49.
You'll hear a phrase in English, then in the silence that
follows, you say the Danish. Then the correct answer will
be given.
Side 48
Dialogue 2
Tycho Brahe Planetarium
Egeskov slot
En sejlbåd sejler i Danmark
Folk går og cykler i København