Dansk for begyndere
Denne uge læser vi i kapitel 3 i grundbogen. Læs sider 27 til 34.
This week read we in chapter 3 in the textbook. Read pages 27 to 34.
Substantiver, priser, og at købe ind
Nouns, prices, and shopping
Sider 27-28/Pages 27-28
Dialogue 3
Danish Grocery Store Chains
Click the logos to see "Tilbudsaviser" (sale newspapers) and advertisements from various Danish stores. Can you figure out the names for different foods? Can you say how much something costs? How do Danish prices compare with ours? Which stores are cheapest? Most expensive? What brand names do they use that are unfamiliar to us? Explore!
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365 Discount!
Hover over this box to see Starbucks locations in Denmark.
In 2007, there were 2 Starbucks Shops in Denmark. Both were in the airport. In 2020 there were 19 (10 in Copenhagen).
Hover over this box to see select Baresso locations in Denmark.
Baresso is slightly more popular in Denmark than Starbucks. It was bought by Espresso House a few years ago and there are now around 115 Baresso/Espresso House shops in Denmark.
You can enter an amount and convert it from Danish to American currency on the left, and vice versa on the right. To get it to work, though, you can not hit "enter." You have to hit the button with the arrows to make the conversion.
Sider 28-30/Pages 28-30
Flere informationer om ubestemte og bestemte substantiver i flertal: Plurals & Definite Plurals
More information on indefinite and definite nouns in plural
Ja/nej spørgsmål og mere om at købe mad
Yes/no questions and more about buying food
Sider 30-31/Pages 30-31
Dialogue 4
Prices and Quantities
Compare these "templates" or "formulas" for talking about quantities and prices in English and in Danish.
"[plural noun] + are + [price] + a/per + [quantity]"
[apples] are [$2.00] a/per [pound]
"It costs + [price] + per + [quantity] +of +[plural noun]"
It costs [$2.00] per [pound] of [apples]
"[plural noun] + er + [price] + [definite quantity]"
[æbler] er [18 kroner] [kiloet]
"Det koster + [price] + per + [quantity] [ plural noun]"
Det koster [18 kroner] per [kilo] [æbler]
"Definite" Quantity means you use the grammatical "definite" form. That is, put the gender word (en or et) onto the end of the word. Et kilo (a kilo) kiloet (the kilo)
Translation practice
Write down the translations for the following phrases. You can hover over the boxes to see the correct answers.
Bananer er 5 kroner stykket.
Bananas are 5 kroner a piece.
Gulerødder er 32 kr. kiloet.
Carrots are 32 kroner per kilo.
Det koster 3 kr. pr. stk.
It costs 3 kroner a piece.
Det koster 20 kr. per gram.
It costs 20 kroner per gram.
et stykke - a piece
stk. = stykke
en pose - a bag
en liter - a liter
et kilo - a kilogram
kr. = kroner
pr. = per
Løg er 10 kr. per pose.
Onions are 10 kroner per bag.
Kartofler koster 20 kr. per kilo.
Potatoes cost 20 kroner per kilo.
Æblejuice er 23 kr. literen.
Apple juice is 23 kroner a liter.
Something went wrong here. Sorry.
Side 32/Page32
Dialogue 5
Practicing JA and JO
Listen for these words in the audio track below: IKKE (not) ALDRIG (never)
Even if you don’t understand the rest of the sentence, try to determine if one of these words is spoken in the sentence or not.
For this exercise, we are going to assume the answer to the question is “yes.” (If the answer were “no” you would just say “nej” regardless of whether there is a negative word in the question or not).
If IKKE /ALDRIG are absent from the sentence, then just answer JA.
If IKKE /ALDRIG are present in the sentence, then answer JO.
Side 33
Reading Text
Side 34
Pronunciation Practice