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Syv fantastiske fortællinger by Karen Blixen

With this book, Karen Blixen (a.k.a. Isak Dinesen) achieved an international breakthrough when it was published in the United States in 1934.  From the back cover: "Disse raffinerede noveller om menneskets afmagt over for sin skæbne, om forholdet mellem mandigt and kvindeligt, mellem livet og kunsten vakte betydelig opsigt ved udgivelsen."  [These refined short stories about humankind's powerlessness over its destiny, about the relationship between masculine and feminine, between life and art, caused a considerable sensation upon publication.]  Even today, these "Seven Gothic Tales," as they are known in English, remain powerful and fascinating.  This book is like new, with a sticker on the back cover indicating it is from the Karen Blixen Museum.   Hardback.  482 pages.  Published by Gyldendal.  Copyright 1961.  Printed in Sweden 2006.

Syv fantastiske fortællinger by Karen Blixen

SKU: 46-1961
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