Dansk for Begyndere
Denne uge læser vi sider 65 til 73.
Modal/Auxiliary Verbs
Ability, Possibility, Permission, Wishes
Side 65
Dialog 2
Modal Verbs = kunne/kan (could, be able to, can)
= måtte/må (be allowed to, have permission to, may)
= ville/vil (wanted, would/want)
= skulle/skal (should, would/will, shall)
Auxiliary Verbs = Modal Verbs + "at have" (to have) & "at være" (to be)
Using "kan ikke"
Take a look at the following statements that indicate someone is good at doing something. How would you indicate that you can not do that thing? For example "Hun tegner godt." (She draws well) > "Jeg kan ikke tegne." (I can not draw). Hover over the box to see the answer and/or click the blue arrow to hear it.
Hun taler
Jeg kan ikke tale.
Hun synger godt.
Jeg kan ikke synge.
Hun kører godt.
Jeg kan ikke køre.
Han parkerer godt.
Jeg kan ikke parkere.
Han skriver godt.
Jeg kan ikke skrive.
Hun oversætter godt.
Jeg kan ikke oversætte.
Side 68
Dialog 3
Side 70
Dialog 4
Øv dig lidt mere! (practice a little more)
Click the logo above and watch a short film on how Bageri Ingeborg makes their bakery items at their store in Vendsyssel.
Side 71
Pronunciation practice
Which syllables are stressed?
Each box shows the number of stressed syllables in the phrase. Identify which they are by listening to the audio. Hover over the boxes to check your answers.
1 stressed syllable
Kan du tale ENGelsk?
1 stressed syllable
Kan du prograMEre?
1 stressed syllable
Må jeg SE dit kørekort?
3 stressed syllables
UNDskyld. Må jeg få LOV til at komme forBI?
3 stressed syllables
Du må IKke gå over VEJen NU!
3 stressed syllables
GID jeg SNART var HJEMme!
Side 72-73
Reading Text
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